June 12, 2011

That Depends

"Is McKenna Really a Dan Evans Republican?" is what the mighty
Publicola wanted to know yesterday (http://goo.gl/S1zva).
Well that depends on which Dan Evans we're talking about. If it's the
Governor Dan Evans who started the Washington Department of Ecology,
supported a state income tax, and founded Evergreen State College
(goooo Geoducks!), then no, Rob McKenna is not a Dan Evans Republican
although that's what McKenna and the group Mainstream Republicans want
us to think.
Then again, there was the Evans who -- in order to be appointed
Senator Dan following the death of Scoop Jackson -- totally sold out
Governor Dan's moderate/progressive legacy. This was the Senator Evans
who voted to confirm Robert Bork to the Supreme Court, to fund the
Contras, and who generally voted straight down the Reagan party line.
In this respect, yeah -- Rob McKenna IS A DAN EVANS REPUBLICAN TO A T.