March 25, 2008

Maybe it's a different "Dino Rossi"

"Rossi worried Gregoire could abuse loophole"
For the second year running, the Legislature has provided Gov. Chris Gregoire with potentially powerful leverage to raise money for her re-election campaign -- a loophole that allows her to accept donations during the 20-day period when she signs bills and the state budget into law.

Though Gregoire has vowed not to seek contributions until after she signs all the bills, her campaign is still accepting donations.

Dino Rossi, her Republican challenger, is critical of Gregoire because she could take advantage of the situation. He said she should have implemented a self-imposed freeze on fundraising.


"(Gregoire) shouldn't really be doing anything that gives the appearance of doing something underhanded or shady," Rossi said...

Is this the same Dino Rossi who ran the Backward Washington Foundation as an extension of his 2004 campaign, and de facto fundraising arm for a 2008 campaign that didn't exist yet? Naw, can't be the same one, that would be hypocritical.

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